This dataset contains compiled observations of salinity, air and water temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and water level at coastal sites in Calcasieu Lake, Sabine Lake, and the Mississippi Sound. Additionally, the dataset contains historic volumetric releases from the Bonnet-Carre spillway and modeled river outflow into these estuaries developed using the WaterFALL model (RTI International). The OysterFlows final report is also included in this dataset for information and details of the project.
Input reflecting predicted future conditions are available in GRIIDC dataset H4.x955.000:0002 (https://doi.org/10.7266/gk811kb9). The major spatial components of the Oyster Flows project (watersheds, streamlines, modeled prediction points) are available in H4.x955.000:0003 (https://doi.org/10.7266/hdyw1arv).
Suggested Citation:
Gross, Shannon, Benjamin Lord, and Michele Eddy. 2024. Oyster Flows Salinity Model Input Data - Historic Sea Level Scenario. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/48cfe02r
This dataset was used as the primary input to a statistical model predicting salinity at sites in the estuaries listed above as a surrogate for oyster health. Since this dataset represents historic conditions, it is used to train and validate the statistical model.
Data Parameters and Units:
Gauge height/water elevation [feet], water temperature [degrees Celsius], salinity [unitless], modeled river outflow [m^3/day], wind speed [m/s], Bonnet Carre post variables [unitless lag parameter].
Data were compiled from observations where station name is reported. Modeled streamflow was estimated using the WaterFALL model, developed by RTI International. Bonnet-Carre Spillway release rates were estimated from historic operations records during the model period. More detail on the dataset selection process and models is provided in the Oyster Flows final report. When sub-daily data was available, values were summarized as daily averages. Missing data is noted with -999.
Provenance and Historical References:
Eddy, M. C., Lord, B., Perrot, D., Bower, L. M., & Peoples, B. K. (2022). Predictability of flow metrics calculated using a distributed hydrologic model across ecoregions and stream classes: implications for developing flow-ecology relationships. Ecohydrology, 15(2), e2387. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2387
Eddy, M. C., Moreda, F. G., Dykes, R. M., Bergenroth, B., Parks, A., & Rineer, J. (2017). The Watershed Flow and Allocation Model: An NHDPlus-based watershed modeling approach for multiple scales and conditions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 53(1), 6–29. https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12496